Featured products - from our Chief Crafter

I love the start of a new year!  For me it’s a whole period of time where I haven’t messed up anything yet, and there are bound to be many, many, many, fun adventures ahead ;  ).

For 2021, apart from the insane idea I came up with (in an effort to be more active) of committing to jump up and down 10 times every time I am about to sit on “George” our sofa, for my craft business I want to try a new craft a month, so I’m committing here and now to attempting 12 new crafts this year.  Watch out for acrylic coasters, a stain glass panel for the door over my new studio (more on that later), furniture upcycling, needle-work and paper-mache sculpting.

I’m also going to make a head start on getting my Valentines collection ready – so it will be a busy start to what I hope will be a successful create year full of lovely sales – yeahhhhh!!